Recycling recyclable items is of often encouraged by the community. There has been many weird but still usable creations by the community in an effort to recycle old things and save themselves a bit of cash. However, the creation below must be among the best i've ever seen. In an effort to keep flies away, the store owner invented this ......
As a reader of, i would observe some of those links which he posts on his blog. And i think i've found the most rubbish crappy lousy stupid senseless garbage junk idiot pervert stalker and whatever bad you can think of blog. I would rate this blog even "better" than the sohai stevenlim. This is where Malaysians show their power and beat the singaporean for the title of the lousiest blog ever. Malaysia Boleh!!
Welcome to cheongsamlover - a place where you can find the best cheongsams in the world.....not
His(assume lah) blog missions statement goes like this ....
"Tujuan blog ini diwujudkan kerana aku nak semua orang tahu dan sedar akan maksiat yang terang dan berani dilakukan di pasaraya besar di Kota Bharu ni, terutamanya oleh budak muda mudi pakai skirt pakai jeans londeh dsb. Dah bosan aku report sana sini siap SMS aduan kepada akhbar tapi hampeh."
I think 3 words can describe this person - pervert stalking kepoci (busy body)
1st, he or maybe a she...wadeva, says teens who wear jeans which show's their ass in a shopping is a crime. Maybe under PAS's extreme laws yes but i guess defintely they have no right over the chinese there.
2nd, who the hell bothers to sms newspapers to report - saya nampak 2 budak muda pakai jeans yang menunjukkan sedikit buntut. ( i saw 2 teens wearing jeans which shows some ass crack ) The blog owner must be damn rich because sending an sms to newspapers take 0.50 cents each. Imagine if like the blog owner walks to the mall, see's 2 teens with jeans, sends an sms to the newspapers -------------> repeat 5678i9o456789 times because there would be an unlimited amout of teen girls who wear jeans......
Then the mission statement of the blog continues like this .....
"Aku nak beli spycam satu dan ambil foto setiap kejelekan yang dibuat post kat internet, mata tu aku blurkanlah nanti malu mak bapak. Peliknya tahu pulak malu tu."
So a stalker wants to buy a spy camera to take pictures of people wear mini n shorts skirts oh ya plus jeans. Then post it to the internet. =.="" must be too damn free......
It continues like this...
"Harapan aku agar pendedahan ini lebih membuka mata sebab internet lebih ramai yang dapat tengok, search sahaja dah jumpa.:
Now, the owner wants to share his or her pervertness stalkerness and kepociness (cuppocino...lame xD) to the internet world. WTF